Director/Senior Project Manager

LBI - IPOS - Intel

LBI - IPOS - Intel

Uploaded by David Thompson on 2017-01-12.

Intel IPOS - Intelligent Point of Sale

The Intelligent Point of Sale software (IPOS) is a stand-alone application that is used as a sales aid and information tool in retail locations around the world.  It is installed on display machines and allows the customer to interact with device-specific content and detailed fact tag information.

As a global application, IPOS is currently available in 37 languages and runs on  Windows, Linux, Android, and Chromebook operating systems. 

IPOS detects device specifications during installation and then displays the corresponding content to the end consumer. This includes detailed information around processor type, battery life, and memory, as well as feature information such as touch screen capability and inclusion of RealSense. 

Retailers can also add custom logo and promotional images, video, and copy to IPOS which can be updated remotely at any time through an online content management system.